Thursday, May 29, 2008

Poem - I'm Lost

Yesterday's flower still in the vase,
capturing the picture of my withered lover.
In this very silent night,
I sipped the red of wine from the bottom of my glass...

Tired and wounded, I'm standing still,
trying hard to go through this long curving steps.
Counting another one sleepless night,
laughing at me in it's empty universe.

3 am why I couldn't sleep,
thinking of your words in yesterday's fight.
Searching another reason that could possibly,
still couldn't figure out your way of thinking.

This relation is killing me slowly,
drain my blood, suck my energy, stop my brain.
I can't sustain,... yet I can't accept.
So let me yell to the brother mountain!!!
And let me kneel to the father sky...
And let me surrender to the Lord of Time.

ps: for indah, hope u like it. sorry took awhile to make this. for I was busy lately.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Poem - True Love is True

Watching a glass of water that is emptying,
slowly swallowing my regret of regrets,
The time keep moving forward,
But my soul is frozen in a piece of moment of us.

You and me both were wrong,
yourself that hunger for being freed,
and myself that could not understand,
all those happened without giving us a time to learn.

Separation produce no, more happiness,
separation doesn't give you more freedom,
all left is two shattered hearts,
and disgracing the immaculate love.

While the water hasn't run dry,
please forgive for I was young,
a green leave that just growing,
still searching and learning the meaning of life.

Although we are in different path now,
I want you to keep believing,
That true love is true.
And our soul will be once again reborn.

ps: request from my friend, therefore dedicate to D'Dy. Hope u will like this.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Poem - Aku dan Kamu Teman Selamanya (Me and You Friends Forever)

mentari masih terbit di ufuk timur,
dedaunan masih jatuh di musim gugur,
walau dalam nya hati tidak terukur,
berikan padaku penjelasan yang jujur!

aku adalah orang yang perasa,
aku juga orang yang lemah,
kalau ada kata ku salah,
jangan biarkan diam di dada.

udara kotor bercampur debu,
mencium keretakan persahabatan kita,
panas siang hari yang menyengat,
menambah jarak antara kita,
kesepian malam begitu pekat,
merasakan sosokmu yang tiada.

dan hanya sedetik kemudian,
aku tersadar dan menyesal,
maafkan aku yang terlalu banyak menuntut,
sebaliknya seharusnya aku berbahagia,
atas kebahagiaanmu.

ku pungut serpihan hati,
tuk merangkai untaian kata,
kan ku ikrarkan ke seluruh dunia,
aku dan kamu, teman selamanya.

ps:another request from my friend.

Translation (English): (I'd rather say, English Version)

Sunrise still glow in eastern sky
Golden leaves keep rushing to autumn mud
And the human heart still stands in unmeasured depth
I’m longing so for honest clearance in my thought

I am sensitive and limp
Easily wrong in speech
That I wish no one would care and keep in mind

Dusty wind filled the air
Spell out our broken friendship
Under this midday burning sun
I watch the spaces between us
rolling afar….
Grounded in the dark and lonesome night
Without your shadow by my side

After a while
I’m stroke in mind
Sorrow rise as I realize
I’ve insisted so hard and so much
of you as I wanted you to be
At times I should have dwelt in happiness in your way

And this moment
I’m picking up pieces of my heart
String them in fairly rhyme
For the whole world to share,
the words I declare
That you and I are friends
till the end of time…

Translated by : Nimrod (King of Babel aka King of Kekacauan, hahahaha !)

ps: thanks to my sister Sandy L for the translation.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum

What's the meaning of Cogito, ergo sum or Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum?

"Cogito, ergo sum" (Latin: "I think, therefore I am") or Dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum (Latin: "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am") is a philosophical statement used by René Descartes, which became a foundational element of Western philosophy. The simple meaning of the phrase is that if someone is wondering whether or not he exists, that is in and of itself proof that he does exist. (wikipedia)

Why do I bring this topic on? Is it because it is cool with all these Latin terms? Of course not!

I never doubt without no reason. Do you know why I can doubt about something? It's because I think about it first (or: It's because I give every statement a deep thought before I can say that that statement is acceptable). So, in this case, I feel the need to correct our ancestor's words. I prefer: I think, therefore I doubt, therefore I am!

Gathas of Shen-hsiu and Hui-neng


This body is the Bodhi-tree,
The soul is like a mirror bright;
Take heed to keep it always clean,
And let no dust collect on it.


The Bodhi is not like the tree,
The mirror bright is nowhere shining;
As there is nothing from the first,
Where can the dust itself collect?

-Zen Buddhism-

The Commandments of Jante “Janteloven”

The term “the Commandments of Jante” is used to describe a way of thinking in the Scandinavian countries. It first appeared in the book “En flyktning krysser sine spor” by the Danish author Aksel Sandemose, a book about the small village Jante.

1. You shall not think that you ARE something.
2. You shall not think that you are as much as US.
3. You shall not think that you are wiser than US.
4. You shall not imagine that you are better than US.
5. You shall not think that you know more than US
6. You shall not think that you are better than US.
7. You shall not think that YOU are good at anything.
8. You shall not laugh at US.
9. You shall not think that anyone cares about YOU.
10. You shall not think that you can teach US anything.

From “En Flyktning krysser sine spor” by Aksel Sandemose